My offering

Here you will find an overview of my offer. If you need more information or if you have questions, please contact me at

Remote Healing

These energetic sessions work on releasing blockages in the nervous system so healing can occur naturally. There may be a specific issue the client wishes to address (this can be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) or something non-specific and simply what comes up as priority for the client.

Once the healing is complete a report of findings will be sent to the client. Please note that these healings can stand alone, but it is often beneficial to follow them up with an on-line guidance session.

$100 / R900

Online Intuitive Guidance

These sessions are perfect for a client wishing to have guidance around issues arising in his/her life, and/or needing assistance in finding the root cause or blockage behind reoccurring patterns that may be holding them back.

We will also identify other areas that may require healing or clearing.

$120 / R850 - 1 hr session
$70/ R500 - 30 min session

Spinal Blockage Clearing

This process involves finding the primary blockage in each vertebrae, followed by an energetic releasing and healing. This practice can be done as a full spinal clearing, or on specific areas (cervical, thoracic or lumbar), depending on the client’s needs. This can be defined with the practitioner.

Priority Spinal Blockage: this is the seven priority vertebra that indicate for clearing and will generally be done in relation to a specific issue the client has.

7 priority vertebrae: $140 / R1500

Cervical: $140 / R1500

Thoracic: $220 / R2200

Lumbar or Sacral : $140 / R1400

Full Spinal: $450 / R4600

Directed Pressure Point Technique

Directed Pressure Point Technique (DPPT) is a hands-on practice that works to restore communication between the body and the brain, thus enabling the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Through a series of gentle stimulations, or ‘pulses’, the practitioner facilitates the release of stress- induced blockages throughout the client’s body. Whether from the impact of a specific trauma or the accumulation of daily life-style choices, these stresses can cause a shut down in the body that inhibits its natural healing.

DPPT is beneficial for persons of all ages, can be helpful with a wide range of issues (physical and/or emotional), or simply used to maintain a client’s overall state of well being.


$60 / R420 - 30 min session
$120 / R850 - 1 hr session


Reiki is a form of energy healing that can be done hands on or remotely. The practitioner channels universal energy to promote deep relaxation and healing. It can be beneficial for individuals suffering from high level of anxiety, chronic or acute pain, and works on all levels – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

$70 / R500 – 30 min session

Remote Pet Healing

Energetic healing for your beloved furry friends.

$30 / R400 per session